Frequently Asked Questions

Help with an order

Yes, as long as your order hasn't shipped.

Get in touch with us as soon as you can after placing the order if you would like to cancel it.

We do not process orders until at least 2 hours after they're placed to give you some time to change your mind if need be.

If you would like to cancel, either respond to your confirmation email, or email us at

First, take pictures of the broken bottle (in the packaging if possible) so you can send it to us.

Email us telling us which bottle(s) was broken, your order number, and attach your pictures.

Once we receive your photos, we'll either send out a replacement, or refund you for the damaged product.

Second (and this is important), DON'T USE BARE HANDS to clean up the mess. We've learned this the hard way.

Some of our hotter sauces give the same sensation as pepper spray, and exposure to your hands, eyes, etc., can cause serious discomfort.

If you have other bottles in your order that are intact but have sauce on them, just carefully rinse them off and they should be fine to enjoy.

You'll receive a notification of your refund or replacement shipment (with tracking code) via email.

After you order, you will receive a shipping confirmation email (or text if you only provide your phone number).

This email provides a tracking number that you can use to monitor your delivery status.

If for some reason you don't have this email or you can't see tracking information, contact us at and we can give you an update.

Sometimes packages are marked as delivered when they haven't been. Don't worry, if you wait a day or two your package will most likely be delivered.

If it still hasn't been delivered after a day or two, you can contact your local USPS or UPS office to see if they have any information.

If that still doesn't work, contact us at We can report that your package is lost and work with you to get a replacement.

(Note: We are not responsible if you entered an incorrect address.)

Shipping Questions

We typically process our orders the same or next day. Depending on when the order comes in, we generally ship them either the same or next day as well.

Generally, your order will arrive within 3-5 business days (Business Days: Monday-Friday).

Orders going to an address in Hawaii, Alaska, U.S. Territory, or International address will take longer.

All orders come from either Houston or Missouri City, TX.

So the closer you are to Texas, the faster you should receive your order.

Note: We can not guarantee delivery times, but do our best to ensure prompt delivery.

We offer $8 flat rate shipping on all U.S. orders.

Unlike sites like Amazon, which offer "free shipping", we don't bake the cost of shipping into the product cost.

Hot sauces are surprisingly dense and fragile, which makes them a bit more expensive and challenging to ship.

We'd love to be able to offer free shipping on all of our orders, but the profit margin on hot sauces just doesn't allow it.

You'll notice that on sites like Amazon, where there is free shipping, sauces tend to cost significantly more because they're just baking the shipping cost into the overall price.

Not automatically. If you need something delivered via Express, contact us at

We can manually generate an order for you that includes express shipping options.

Subscription Help

When you order a subscription, we send you that month's box within 1 business day of your order.

You will then start receiving each box within the delivery frequency you select.

Subscription boxes are automatically billed on the date your subscription is set to renew, depending upon the delivery frequency you select.

If you set up an account when you ordered, you can login and manage your account or unsubscribe that way.

Alternatively, you can contact us at and just let us know that you would like to unsubscribe.

Be sure to provide the name and email you used when subscribing. You can unsubscribe at any time after the first order.

Note: You can also pause a subscription if you find that you have too many sauces.

Once you're ready, you can reactivate it at any time and start receiving sauces again.

Yes! Just log into your account (if you have one) and you can choose to pause your subscription.

Alternatively, you can contact us at and we can pause it for you.

Once you're ready to start receiving sauces again, you can reactivate it.

General Questions

Not yet. But we are exploring the option.

Yes, send all wholesale inquiries to

Keep in mind we do have legal agreements with some suppliers to only sell their sauces to end use consumers.

Our headquarters is in Houston, Texas. We currently ship from 2 locations:

1. Houston, Texas

2. Missouri City, Texas

Please Note:

We do plan on adding new manufacturers in 2024, but are not currently looking to add anybody on at this time.

We love learning more about new sauces!

If you're a producer, and have a sauce that you think we should carry, contact us at

Make sure to send us the nutrition facts and ingredients of each sauce you would like us to carry.

We generally request a sample of your product, as well as information about wholesale prices, before we agree to carry a new sauce.

We'll give your sauce a try and let you know if we think it would make a good addition to the site.

We rank our sauces as Mild, Medium, Hot, or Extremely Hot.

Admittedly, this is an entirely subjective ranking based on our personal sampling and feedback from customers.

What we find to be mild, may seem hotter to the average bear, but we try to gauge each sauce compared to the others in our catalog.

Note that many of the sauces we carry are artisanal, small batch sauces.

That means that heat levels can vary season-to-season, and batch-to-batch depending on growing conditions, pepper sources, etc.

We try our best to keep our heat ratings updated.